Rafe (RonZak) LaNore

Basic Information

Name: Rafe LaNore


Relatives:Scortalo (adopted son), Cthulhu (relative), two brothers and two sisters, one brother-in-law.

Affiliations: Likes: Rascal, Scortalo, Andrew, Rachael, Xavier, Cole, Bridget, Shraynar, Akzron, Vektrak, Zakorn | Dislikes: Ambrose, Teronovia, Dean

Species: Human Eldritchite

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Asexual/Aromantic

Marital: Single

Dimension Origin: Dimension 38

Birth Date: November 7, 1993

Birth Place: Muskegon, Michigan


Yes, I know, a self insert character. How original. The character of Rafe shares a lot of quirks of mine; being Autistic, being a multi-media artist, mostly a musician, and having a love for music, old technology, and cryptography. He has a witty, slapstick, and dark senses of humor. He is the Successor of Dimensions, meaning he has to keep the balance of dimensions, (if I had to do all that, I would just implode on myself,) and is constantly helping out people. He is caring person, but can also be cynical and blunt. The character of Rafe is a human eldritchite. His powers include advanced essokinesis, depictukinesis, making the fourth wall fear him, dimensional control, and his wits to annoy people.


Rafe was born in Muskegon, Michigan. Born to a human and an Eldritchite, he had a very rocky childhood. He watched as everyone he cared about go on a downward spiral. He tried to help them, but eventually, you have to let people hit rock bottom before you can truly help them. He has stated that his past is pretty traumatic to him, stating that he has dealt with sexual assault, and had "a friend betray him." On top of having several near-death experiences, being stalked, almost being kidnapped multiple times, going through abuse, he considers his childhood "a roller-coaster" or "a dumpster bonfire." He states that he "didn't have a childhood." As it stands now, whilst it wasn't the case as a child, he has gotten a better relationship with his second oldest sister and his father. As it stands right now, however, the siblings on his father's side are not in his life (which really does irk him.)

At the beginning of Era Two, he was chosen to be the Successor of Dimensions. Although he's not happy about because of all the stress it gives him, he still does the job really well because he understands the importance of the job. This has given him knowledge on several Eldritchite languages.

During Era One, Akzron (or Marcel Vitriant) and him were rivals, but during Ambrose's reign of terror, they became really close. Akzron worked on a lot of his self-growth, and helped Rafe to get out of low point he was in caused by all the stress that Ambrose and other situations that were bringing him down.

Ever since Scortalo was sent to Dimension 38, he has watched over him as a father figure. Since he's not comfortable in a relationship, he acts as a single father.

Powers and Gear


Plot Control



Advanced Essokinesis

Ability to access different dimensions

Dimension Devices

A Matter Pen/Pencil

Dream Effects

Basic control of dreams (I mean, he is related to Cthulhu, after)

Knowledgeable in different languages. (You know the real person doesn't have all of this)


Like his real-life counterpart, he is a musician, composer, and producer. This has yet to be shown in animation yet.

He periodically helps out Eldritchites, as long as it's not explicit. Exceptions do apply if something is trying to destroy a dimension or more, meaning he'll help to stop them.

He is friends with an Eldritchite named Shraynar.

He adopted Scortalo.

He is the Successor of Dimensions.

He tries avoiding people touching him. He also suffers from trust issues.

He sometimes trolls scam call centers.

His main hobby is making music.

He's a relative of Cthulhu. (The character, not the real person. That would be insane.)

He's in some rock bands, and sometimes collaborates with Akzron.

At this point he's probably tied with Xavier with how many times his design has been changed over the years. His newest design is the one that resembles his real life counterpart the most.

He also has a design for when his hair is in a ponytail

Stories Rafe Appears In

Era One

Work in Progress

Era Two

Work in Progress

Era Three

Work in Progress